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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

LEADER - Simplified

In my quest to keep things simple, I wanted to understand what or who is a LEADER? What are some of the key traits/attributes that possibly makes one a better than the other. We all have our own ways of defining this incredibly overused word - LEADER.

L - Listening - We all love to express ourselves - verbally or through our actions. Listening ("Actively") is the biggest trait of a leader. "Listening to Respond" is completely different than being engaged and actively listening. When you listen ("Actively"), you understand the point of view and appreciate any situation better. A must have for all successful leaders.

E - Empathy - An empathetic person creates a positive vibe and environment around any workplace. One needs to be empathetic and not sympathetic. A leader needs have "that" personal connect and understanding while being real.

A - Attitude - It is all about ATTITUDE ("Loads of Positive Ones"). Situations will be tough and challenging, however positive attitude of a person distinguishing him/her from the rest. Attitude drives the way one handles a situation making you a "LEAD BY EXAMPLE" kind of a leader.

D - Decision Making - Leaving issues or problems under the rug/carpet turns to be painful and can catch fire. This happens primarily because of poor decision making or being in-decisive. The team looks up to a leader and is expecting to make a decision based on all weighted out facts and risks. Taking a decision and standing with it is key.

E - Enthusiasm - This is infectious. We all have met or seen individuals who become the life to any party. A person who is enthusiastic and positive, invigorates the workplace and acts as a positive catalyst. Stressful workplace kills productivity and one's own health at the least.

R - Reach - Always making the time for subordinates or colleagues who reach out, is a hallmark of a great leader. This only happens when a person is humble and empathetic to others. If no one can reach you, how can you convey any message? how can you possibly know the ground reality? how can anyone know who you really are?

There are no golden rules to be a great successful leader, but we all can inculcate some good traits in us to become a better person tomorrow.

Would like to get your thoughts and see what you all feel :) - My 2 Cents

Friday, November 3, 2017

LEARNING - Simplified

We learn from the day we are born and this process continues until our brain keeps ticking. The amount of learning does varies from one to another, however certain traits can help increase this. Based on my experience, I feel the following attributes/traits help us to evolve into our better selves.

L - Love yourself - Loving yourself is the first step in building self-confidence and a kick start to learn and improve ourselves. Without this, we manage to shut all our doors to a better or improved tomorrow.

E - Eager -  Being eager or curious is the next key trait that keeps us constantly seeking for something new and uncovers new found knowledge. It is key for one to be curious in order to accept and seek things we don't know.

A - Attitude - Attitude is everything. This drives us to visualize and respond to a given situation. This is applicable to learning something new and keep us going. Here I would say "POSITIVE" attitude is important.

R - Read  - Reading is not just going through books, journal or articles, but this could be reading your surroundings. Reading our surroundings (people and situations) also teaches us important life lessons.

N - Nurture - Learning grows when you nurture your mind and soul. This can be easily achieved by sharing your experience and knowledge selflessly with others. Many fear that is may diminish their competitive edge, but this truly helps you to solidify your learning and go beyond.

I - Inspire - Being an inspiration to another person is the greatest possible feeling of satisfaction. When you inspire someone, you actually internally realize that your learning, knowledge, personality and contribution is in the positive direction and you have made a difference in someone's life.

N - Notice - When one is vigilant to changes around them and start noticing what is working or not, it often propels the mind to become more curious and learn. This becomes cyclic with time and you start rolling.

G - Gratitude - Be thankful for everything you have. Gratitude is wonderful antidote that keeps you level headed and stimulates the mind to learn better. This helps creating a better you with time.

Finally, LEARNING is a variable and is dependent on all these traits / attributes. To maximize the value, one needs to improve on the attributes.