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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Being Happy - A choice you make

"Happiness is a state of mind" is a simple yet powerful statement. Modern fast paced lifestyle, where everyone is rushing and running to achieve something, we seldom stop, think or ask ourselves - what makes me happy?

It might sound bizarre, but many of us may not be able to give a quick simple answer. We often start counting things, people or places that will/can make me feel happy. It can be a challenge to pin point that one thing that makes you happy.

What does happiness mean?

The meaning of happiness differs from each one of us. We often relate it to materialistic pleasures. They certainly bring us the comfort and improves our living condition. Basic food and shelter can bring in the world of happiness to a hungry and poor person whereas driving a Rolls Royce to another. Happiness is that state where your mind, soul and body are in sync and you radiate positive energy. It is not something that you need to search, but you feel and create.

Here are a few pointers that may help to create this positive radiant energy

1. Having an aim / goal is good, but enjoying the journey is key. Don't wait till you reach it. Happiness does not always come at the end

2. Looking at the bright side of any situation makes one more positive, optimistic and happy. Thinking the glass is half full always helps

3. Everyone has their own journey and it is not yours. The sooner we realize this and not compare ours with anyone, makes you more rational and helps you sail through the waves

4. Your reaction to someone's action, will be dictated by your attitude. You could frown and loose your cool or focus on how you could keeping doing better. Choice is yours

5. Being content is important with what you have this moment as there are many who don't have what you take for granted. This does not mean you are not working towards your goal

6. You don't control how others think, work or react. You can only do your bit with the right attitude and frame of mind

7. Humility and being empathetic only makes you feel better. It is not your weakness, but acts as a strength

8. If you are doing something to prove a point, then most likely it is a race and not a journey that will bring in happiness

9. Prioritizing what is most important to you and what will give you the peace of mind. This helps to align and work towards your new objective with ease.

The question is whether we are willing to make the right choices for us. Nothing is impossible if you have the right attitude and willing to chance.

Happiness is within, we just need to nurture it.

Would love to get your thoughts