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Saturday, September 15, 2018

Life is a river

Rivers are lifeline to millions who live and thrive along its banks all around the world. Great civilizations have all started from great river banks. So what does all of this have to do with this blog? We all know about this.

When I look at these great rivers of the world, I see there is a synergy between our lives and rivers. How is that? 

Both life (ours) and river have a few stages

1. Early stage or origin
2. Mid-life or flowing through the plains
3. Tail end or dissolving into the oceans

Let me share a few more synergies based on each of these stages

Early stage or origin

Rivers mostly originate in the mountains from melting snow and ice which turns into droplets,  forming small streams, creating rapids crashing against rocks, falling through cliffs gaining speed. They sync-up with other such streams increasing in volume and filling valleys with scintillating sounds.

We are born with very little abilities, learning at a phenomenal pace by 2 years of age, perfecting our motor skills, growing tall and strong ready to start our educational journey in schools. Mingling and interacting with others help us to gain experience and knowledge. From an infant we are shaped into a young energetic person ready to face the challenges of colleges and prepared to enter into a professional journey.

Mid-life or flowing through the plains

From the mountains, rivers flows into plains slowing down its pace but widening itself by cutting new banks, creating new bends and changing course. It meets new rivers from different origin and teams with aquatic life. Brings in precious silt and minerals enriching the plains, providing a more meaningful life to millions. The vast and long plain is where the river spends most of its time.

Our lives too spreads out after college and we diversify into various professional streams, working to learn, earn and provide for ourselves. We meet more of our kinds building new relationships some becoming life long bonds. Knowingly or unknowingly we touch millions with our actions and thoughts. We slow down from our highly energetic teenage life and understand the deeper meaning of life with time.

Tail end or dissolving into the oceans

Passing through the plains, rivers head towards the oceans. The long tale of water from the droplet now is soon coming to an end by dissolving into vast ocean. The pace is at its slowest as it branches out creating a fertile delta supporting many more lives. It looks back at its sweet origin at one end and salty destination on the other.

Our lives after traveling and struggling through the daily chores and responsibilities also slow down and look towards a new purpose. Relishing the sweet memories we keep moving providing a very different perspective to the younger generation.

Unlike the river which knows the finite distance it needs to flow to lose its identity, we don't know when our long journey comes to an end. What we do know is that our identities can leave a striking memory for ages through our deeds. Our actions and thoughts are very powerful. We unknowingly leave an trail on many minds without flowing through it.

Would love to know what my friends feel :)