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Sunday, August 22, 2021

What did I learn from Tokyo 2020?

Indians went into a festive fever and were exhilarated, when we won our first ever gold medal in Athletics in Tokyo 2020. Neeraj Chopra became a household name overnight and everyone wanted to be part of his success story.

Certainly, a proud moment for a country of more than 1.3 billion individuals. We all know that such kind of success comes with tons of hard work, dedication and discipline. I watched some exciting moments during the 2020 games and looked beyond the joy and entertainment.

What did I learn?

  • It is absolutely critical to keep going and be focused on how one can improve oneself and be better tomorrow than yesterday
  • Develop oneself to be calm under pressure situations and be able to deliver one's best
  • Keep oneself motivated during the journey, when not many know or believe that one can do it. Let's ask ourselves, how many of us knew Neeraj Chopra prior to August 2021?
  • Be able to hold and handle one's success - being calm and humble
The Indian men's hockey team also created history. They were on the medal podium with a Bronze after 40 years. From a complete dominance in this event until 1964 and then in 1980, we haven't been able to even make it to the final 4 since the last four decades

What did I learn?
  • Nothing is constant or permanent
  • Keep evolving and never lose sight of what is coming and what may change
  • One may have a bad patch or rough time, but one must keep challenging his or herself and introspect
  • Team work is key. Everyone needs to be committed and share the same vision. This is the success mantra for any team
Question to ask ourselves - Are we willing to invest in upskilling ourselves, our teams, our groups and be patient in handling those not so good times?

Finally, the Indian women's hockey team. They showed so much promise and determination to get on the podium. They stood 4th in 1980, Moscow Olympics and now they are back in Tokyo.

What did I learn?
  • One may put their best at times, but the result may become slightly unfavorable
  • One should accept ones failure with dignity (if one has tried his/her best) and learn what one wants to do different the next time
  • Life is generally sinusoidal in nature with peaks and troughs, one should keep riding along 
I enjoyed the games thoroughly and was at times awestruck with what human limits can be.

Some things to ponder for all of us:
  1. Are we willing to help and support our next generation choose a career they love, are passionate about and have skill to go miles ahead?
  2. Are we willing to provide the tools and trainings needed to make our sportsmen and sportswomen stronger and more capable?
There is a lot to learn from an athlete. Many of there traits when imbibed can change the way we think and act in our professional lives for good.

Can't wait to see our continued success in 2024 at Paris.

All pictures used - courtesy from https://olympics.com/tokyo-2020/

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Be the humble "Potato" - A perspective

What is this title all about? who thinks of potatoes? You are absolutely right. Even for a minute I was thinking, what am I trying to write about and why have potatoes come to my mind.

Imagine some exotic fruits or vegetable or may be food items - may be ham, caviar, avocado, berries, etc. Don't think potatoes fit into this list of top choices, for majority of the people?

However, don't we all (may be most) love eating fries, chips, tots made out of the humble potato? Some fact - "More than a billion people worldwide eat potato, and global total crop production exceeds 374 million metric tons. There are more than 4,500 varieties of native potatoes, mostly found in the Andes." source - More about potatoes

This tuberous vegetable is packed with Vitamin C, Potassium and is also cholesterol free. Many more benefits can be found here - Health benefits. It is among the cheapest source of carbs, protein and feeds billions.

Ok enough of potato production facts, dietary value etc. I want to now highlight on the following aspect of potatoes that attracted me to link them to us in someway

  • Picks up the flavor of seasonings used in the dish
  • Easily transformable - mash to fries to tots to curry etc.
  • Provides a body to any dish
  • Fills up many hungry mouth and hearts for so little
How does this make me a potato or what is the connection? Let me share my thoughts and views

Pick up the flavor - Change is the only constant and our surroundings, work place, society are no exceptions. As business changes, expectations change, people come and leave an organization. The recipe or constitution of the dish changes. It is key for us individual like potato to be able to adapt absorb some of the flavors and be part of the change.

Is this always easy to embrace the new change? may be not. Like every dish cannot have a potato, in the real world some changes for us we will become acceptable others not.

Ease of being able to transform - As individuals, we may be tasked with work that we haven't done before, is out of our comfort zone etc. We have two choices, either adapt, transform and try it out or out right say no. The former helps you to broaden your experience, learn new lessons and hopefully be noticed by your leadership.

Transforming to move from your comfort zone can also be a challenge, but taking the first step is key. Potatoes in a pie and in French fries bring different levels of happiness when you eat them. 

Be the dependable body - Everyone loves to have individuals who can be reliable, have the ability to seamlessly deliver a given task to completion and can take ownership. Individuals who possess such qualities are the backbone of any successful organization and keep the engine moving.

Like the humble potato always provides that much needed body to any dish where it is diced or sliced into.

Fill someone's heart - It takes nothing to be empathetic, a little considerate and kind. Everyone works under different level of stress and challenges (internal and external). We all have deadlines to meet and expectations keep skyrocketing.

What may not hurt is to be humble, smile and help others in the process. It certainly makes others smile and feel better. The potato may not taste like caviar but for a hungry person it is no less.

Would love to know what you all think.