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Sunday, April 23, 2017

The deadly 3 letter word

Have you ever wondered why human relationships are becoming weaker by the day? be it between husband and wife, siblings, friends, colleagues, etc. It seems that respect and genuine love, caring for each other seems to diminishing and fading with time. I was wondering as to what could be changing? 

We are more literate than our great grand parents, earning possibly more than our parents, better exposed to the world than our ancestors and possibly possess more gadgets/materialistic comforts than what people had a decade or two back.

Are these advances or materialistic pleasures some where influencing the way we act, behave or think? Interacting with people at various stature of the society and observing many more, I think it is the deadly three big letter word "EGO" that has built bridges, generated grudges, amplified animosity and enhanced envy in us.

Education (E) - Getting various degrees, certifications, publications can increase our knowledge, get us our dream job, get us high paying salaries etc.  Should that cultivate EGO? Shouldn't being educated make us humble and more matured? Can we not say sorry when we are wrong or even we are right but we value the relationship more than being right?

Global Reach (G) - Emerging technology, fast modes of transportation, better communication is making the world smaller by the day. Shouldn't that mean we learn from our culture, respect it and understand our traditions? Can we just blindly say everything that existed before today is a fad and outdated?

Opportunities (O) - We are blessed to have better and possible more opportunities that our parents. Lot of mundane challenges are things of the past. Shouldn't this mean we should harness them to the maximum and create better ones for the future generations? Is the philanthropic and selfless characteristics of Homo Sapiens extinct? 

When the deadly EGO sets in, we suffer from

1. Over confidence and superiority complex

2. We lose the sense of being right and wrong

3. We push ourselves to a shell as no one seems to be as good as me, myself and I

4. We lose our identity as a social animal and often suffer from depression

5. Life become a comparative analysis instead of a beautiful journey

6. We constantly try to find happiness and forget that it is within us

7. We distance ourselves from our family, friends and people who love us unconditionally

Let the "E" from "EGO" go and I am sure our hearts will lead us in the right direction.

Share what you think? Perspectives are always nice.


  1. Quite a different take on EGO but aptly said

  2. Very rightly said and nicely written article, Debadutta.


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