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Saturday, June 29, 2019

A lifeline we often take for granted - WATER

Isn't it true that most of us find pleasure and happiness in accumulating wealth? It could be money, jewels, real estate, investments, expensive cars etc. Nothing wrong with it, everyone has their own happiness quotient.

What about clean drinking water or pollution free air or reliable source of electricity? Well most of us just don't realize the significance of these critical lifelines. Imagine a day when you have no water to drink, your home is out of electricity and the air you are trying to  breath causes more suffocation. Will the wealth help you in anyway? Possibly not.

According to World Bank, population and economic growth have placed unprecedented pressures on water resources. The following are some startling points to ponder:-
  1. With current population growth and water management practices, the world will face a 40% shortfall between forecast demand and available supply of water by 2030.
  2. The world will need more water for energy generation, over 1.3 billion people still lack access to electricity.
  3. Groundwater is being depleted at a rate faster than it is being replenished. By 2025, about 1.8 billion people will be living in regions or countries with absolute water scarcity.
This can be scary. 

WHO has created this very interesting perspective of the Maslow's hierarchy. I think, this is something that needs to be analyzed seriously.

It is also important to know how much of this precious commodity we need on a daily basis.

Population growth in major economies are creating a lot of stress on this resource and the situation seems to be getting bleak unless we take some serious steps to conserve the same.

The rate of consumption versus replenishment could go for a toss in the next decade.

The last super cyclone which hit the eastern seaboard rang big alarm bells. With howling wind speed of more than 175 kms/hour, power lines, trees, homes, infrastructure were severely damaged. Bustling cities and towns with regular water supply and electricity went dark for weeks.

Wealth in a flash meant nothing and everyone wanted some clean water to drink and cook, electricity to bring back their lives to normal.

Today large cities like Chennai, Bangalore etc. have daunting challenge to meet the basic need for their residents - clean and reliable source of water. 

We all need to wake up and realize that it is our job to conserve and use this commodity with utmost care. Let's realize this is the most precious commodity and can be responsible for our extinction.

Conservation starts with me and not anyone else.

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